Coming to PALC on March 21, 2022
Reagan, Bush, and the End of the Cold War: What You Don’t Know Should Terrify You
Jeffrey Engel is founding director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University and a Senior Fellow of the John Goodwin Tower Center for Political Studies. Trained at Cornell University, Oxford University, and Yale University, he received his PhD in American History from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2001. Having previously taught at Yale University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Texas A&M University where he was the Kruse ’52 Professor and received recognition for his teaching at the college, university, and system levels, Engel is author or editor of thirteen books on American foreign policy and the American presidency, including his latest, When the World Seemed New: George H.W. Bush and the End of the Cold War and the co-authored Impeachment: An American History. In 2019 SMU’s Resident Life, students named him their campus-wide Hope Professor of the Year.